What is your greatest fear? If the answer is absence of visitors to your website, you are not the first business owner to have this fear. The calculation is simple; low traffic means low leads; low leads mean low conversion, and low conversion is nothing, but bad business. If you want to drive visitors to your site and convert them, you should opt for a reliable SEO company India.
A website is a place from where everyone can read about your business. If you sit back in silence, so will your website. If you do not create some noise, your business will not be able to gain the attention of the millions of people looking for the special something you have.
Go Get Some Traffic
Create Good Content
Does your business publish content that matters? For instance, your website deals in food. Your blogs are about the latest researches done in the field and yet, you are not getting traffic. Google Analytics shows a bleak future for your business. How do you change that? The solution lies in publishing the right content. Content that draws visitors from Google, generates leads and eventually converts that into good business is called right content. Right content often involves in-depth content written in easily understandable language and that targets niche audience.
Promote the content
Once, you know the technique to post the perfect content, you have to assess the target customers. Promoting your content among all and anon is of no use, if they cannot hit the mark. But, how do you promote content among a niche base.
E-mail marketing
Every time your content directs a visitor to your website, he or she is asked to subscribe to a newsletter. If interested, the visitor will subscribe.
Web presence can be fruitful only when you can leverage it. This is possible by sending newsletters to your visitors. You have to make sure that the newsletter content is appropriate for the customer. An Established SEO company India with its team of experienced professionals can lend you high traffic through top-notch e-mail marketing techniques.
Be a leader
Your content should lead people. Readers must realize that you are the best in the field and that there is no one else who can offer better assistance that you. Your must become the ultimate solution provider.
Be on social media
If brand awareness is your target, the most modern vehicle, on which your business can ride, is social media. Social media is the most effective tool in today’s technological world. It displays what you want to express to your niche customers and how you want to appear before them. Your social media posts must link back to your website. How would you otherwise ask visitors to try what all you have to offer?
Go Convert the Traffic
I gave the tips to drive traffic to your business. It’s time we discuss about techniques to convert this traffic into real customers.
Traffic conversion is the next step after traffic driving. If you notice that the traffic to your website is not converting, it is time you take some serious steps. To ensure traffic conversion, you need to understand why your visitors are not getting converted. The SEO company India can use Google Analytics to observe where your visitors are spending maximum time and what pages are bouncing them off.
You may have to alter your marketing strategies if you want business. However, marketing strategy depends on the type of customers, what they want and why they are searching for your website.
Take a look at these points to assess what Google Analytics has to say about your website.
Count the number of times potential customers have in contact with your business
Online marketing survey says that a potential customer will come in contact with your business at least 8 times before even thinking of buying from you. Your contact points are your online marketing schemes. The SEO company India will make sure that all the online marketing techniques you are utilizing are in tandem with your website. For instance, if your website displays household materials like curtains and crockery, your blog should also refer to those materials. If your blog is: “How to take care of curtains?” it has relevance to the website, but if it is, “How to choose the perfect winter wear?” it will not have any impact on the reader.
Online marketing is important for the potential customer to be in contact with your business. When he or she visits your website, they are already on their 3rd contact with your business.
Customize your shopping cart
Experts in a reputed SEO company India can readily inform you why most of the customers are abandoning the shopping cart. A recent survey proved that around 70% businesses do not realize why their customers abandon the shopping cart. The most common reason is that online shops demand too much of information from potential customers. Would you wait and answer a bundle of unnecessary questions just to buy a set of curtains? You can visit another e-commerce site and make your purchase.
Respond to customer reviews
Numerous customers read reviews on the website before deciding to purchase a particular product. If they see more negative reviews than positive remarks, they abandon the product. More than 80% customers use social networking sites to find proof of the e-commerce site’s authenticity and performance. You should utilize social media as a means for customers to express their experiences. It facilitates two-way conversations between customers and the company. In the event that a customer mentions a negative attribute in your product quality, you can always interact with the unsatisfied customer.
Now, that you are aware of the techniques who can help you in gaining traffic and conversion, it is time you implement them. Approach an SEO company India where you will get customized service for an enhanced web conversion. They will make sure that your website not only gets visitors, but also attracts niche customers into buying from your business.
Related Resources
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For SEO Tips and Tricks, visit – SEO Blog
For Professional Digital Marketing Services, visit – www.indian-seo-company.com