These days people may not watch television everyday, but they regularly visit Facebook and Twitter; in fact, not once, but several times a day. So, you see, if you are not promoting your business on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, you can lose a considerable number of audience. Social media marketing or SMM offers you a plethora of options as far as marketing your business is concerned. However, SMM is a double edged sword. Why? Because, on one hand it offers great many choices, but on the other, prioritizing time and money often becomes difficult with it. Nonetheless, do not worry as there are social media marketing services to take care of the various issues that you may be facing regarding the marketing medium.
Here are a few points that are usually considered by the SMM service providers when dealing with social networking issues:
Content is Valuable
This might sound obvious, but it is still worth mentioning because valuable content is the most important thing that you need for enhancing your brand awareness in social network.
Let me tell you, ‘value’ comes in several forms. Your content may be informative, professional, informal, controversial, humorous, or inspiring, but one thing that should not go missing is an enriching feeling that the readers should have. The satisfaction factor compels them to share your content in their network, giving the much needed “word-of-mouth” publicity.
Besides, quality content creates a positivity about your brand. Just like a shirt with a fancy label, attracts attention, good content shows that you have cared enough to invest in quality product.
Go Local with Social Media Pages
Ideally, there should be a separate blog for each location you operate in. This is especially important for large businesses, the operations of which span across cities, states and even countries. However, that does not mean that small businesses cannot benefit from local search. They can use it for different locations in a single city. Localised blogs should have content that is locally relevant, valuable to the residents of that particular area. Creating a localised blog can help a lot in boosting your social media rank in an area, thereby, making your site more eligible in front of other local businesses for the purpose of cross promotional deals.
If you find maintaining different blogs for different locations not feasible enough, you can create localised pages for every location you operate in. These pages shall be sharing locally relevant content. In fact, doing so can be a great idea for people who do not want to get messed up in different domain names, but still want to cash in with local web traffic.
Talk to your Audience
Once you see that people have started noticing your brand, make sure you follow it up with interacting with your audience. Ideally, most of your content should end with a scope of interaction, which is called ‘call-to-action’ or CTA. This could ask the users to join a debate, share the piece or simply answer a question. In a nutshell, you need to initiate a dialogue; and this is undoubtedly not easy. However, if you are patient and progress in a steady way, your ‘quality’ content is bound to get comments, thus, making your posts even more interesting for new users.
FB Ads can be Purchased
FB ads offer a great way to expose your brand in front of a new set of audience, that too at an affordable rate. The best thing about FB ads is that it allows you to be very specific about who views your ad, thus, getting you the right kind of audience. FB ads offer several options, and you can also control your expenditure with it. You can spend as little as $5 each day to carry on with your FB ad campaign.
Mobile is where Social Media Resides
Today, there are millions of people across the world who access the social networking sites through their smartphones and tablets. Now, unfortunately native advertisements are not displayed on the mobile version of FB. Hence, if you have been depending on native FB ads, you are possibly missing out on a huge number of customers.
Moreover, Facebook has recently started using a program known as StoryBump, which basically decides what the users of FB will view in their News Feeds first. The former program tried to pull posts that can match the interests of the user; StoryBump does that to some extent, but relies heavily on the number of times an article has been shared and the time when it was posted.
Social Media Marketing Services can be Helpful
If you seriously want your social media campaign to do well, you should take help from social media professionals. Small businesses may be thinking that they cannot afford to hire such services. Well, hiring them will undoubtedly add to your costs, but you need not worry because there are several service providers who can work within your budget. Your investment does not get wasted as you can see better ROI coming in through your social media campaign.
Use Hashtags Effectively
Hashtags, if used correctly, can go a long way enhancing your SEO by targeting topics and keywords, allowing your audience to quickly find your business. Hashtags help you get your content in front of people who may not have seen your post otherwise. These small tags, thus, help you reach a wider base of audience without much ado.
How can you create effective hashtags? Well, by including the right keywords, by not joining words, and avoiding abbreviation and punctuation. Lastly, keep in mind that you are not supposed to overuse hashtags, and do proper research before including hashtags. if you are not careful enough you may use a hashtag that is already being used for a different purpose or may not be aligning itself with the message of your company.
All these seem too much of a task for you to do, right? Well, as it has been told before, seek the advice of social media marketing services providers. They will surely help you get started with a bang or overcome the plateau that you may have hit in SMM.
Related Resources
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Check out the interview to know interesting facts about SEO and Blogging – Interview with Brian Dean from